目前分類:「interest」文房多寶(stationery) (47)

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千金難買早知道,本來只是友人阿特落波斯小姐寄了個連結叫我看看Lamy Safari 2013 新色,結果卻看到Lamy Turquoise Ink新色驚為天人,往小品雅集探訪後,確定有貨,轉而順便看看帶點啥玩意過年玩玩,結果就...

Even a man of wealth cannot but a well-prediction. At first, a friend Atrops sended a link about the Lamy Safari 2013 new colour, but my eye falled on the reference link Lamy Turquoise Ink, it's so so charming, so I decided to purchase a bottle of ink, YES! JUST A bottle of ink~~but you know~ there are too many interfere on the bid website, so this is what happened~~

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原本只是勸敗某人買白金的Plasir,卻變成想要一支象牙白的鋼筆,其實我之前已經有sailor professional gear 14k slim size,手感其實我比較喜歡PG 14k,一樣的筆尖形狀與字幅,但是profit的勁道就是比較弱一些,PG手感比較直覺。

The original motive was encouaging somenoe to buy Platium Plasir, finally, I bought a ivory colored fountain pen. In fact, I have owned the sailor professional gear 14k slim size, and I prefer the hand-writing feedback of PG 14k. Both of them have the same nib except the colour, but I prefer the intuitive feedback of PG. Pfofit 14k is not so direct in power trasmission.


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ya~ it's a cheap ball pen, design and made by Mitsubishi. the newly arrived at 2011.

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TWSBI stun 1.1 uses Bock's nib, not only soft but excellent flexible and smooth, I love its turn and reflection.

No words could be beyond the real writting cursive curve, so tender and romantic like the dancing Waltz.

P5230418 P5230419 P5230416 P5230422  

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Ya, I brought a lot OLFA products recently. OLFA often has well-shape knife and special designs in their newly products.

This time, I think I got some wrong decisions to buy them. But why? I would tell you gradually.

OLFA CK-1 (the consumable is CKB-1) Craft knife

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This knife is not designed by OLFA, NT Cutter or other famous brand. It's comletely from Taiwan,including the brand, design and production. I bought this in my junior high school days, seems be at 1994. In early, it's packed in a case, but now packed in the card. the only difference is the package. Even the official price(NT$ 50), color and materials are all the same. I am so surprised with this, so I bought 10, 3 to my family, and others to my friends.

Why? Because of Feeling, Love or Memory? 

Yes, it's LOVE.

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Cross EDGE


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ok~this is the first article written in English on my blog, so I shall introduce this in shortly.

RF BR113, I think, it's only made and designed by Raymay, Spalding may just place their brand on it.

Althought its body looks like produced by arcylic materials, the weight is heavy with an excellent balance.

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from KIX LH Lufthansa

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本來我就很喜歡這種老東西,友人B貼個link,知道哪裡有得買,不小心就入手了(友人B is too)


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    前言,會買Diamond 540完全是巧合,本來只是拿到配重不錯的老鋼珠筆,但是墨水乾涸,想說買個Montesa的筆蕊試看看,就造訪了久未瀏覽的三文堂線上商店;這~沒看沒事,一看驚為天人,想說某中華民國眾多的紀念商品中,也沒幾樣真正實用而且可以用到下一個大概不可能有以後也不一定存在的民國百年,這也是難得的逸品,就入手了。


P9182250.JPG P9182251.JPG P9182252.JPG

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Keyword: 鋼筆、筆尖、打磨、拋光


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續  紙:其之一


寶美興業所生產,150P的道林紙,不會太光滑難控制筆尖,大量出水的長刀研CE尖也完全沒有滲透到對面的跡象,適合鉛筆畫、素描、鋼筆畫,或是日常抒情記事都很棒的紙,而且一點也不貴!是我目前最推薦的紙張,Maruman Spiral和豆點推出的100磅筆記紙在下有使用過,RHODIA倒是沒有,這款對於要求紙張要保持一定摩擦力又要乾的夠快,還要耐重手壓寫的人來說,相信很好上手,缺點就是繪本紙張厚了些,而且尺寸規格只有20K和24K。

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J.HERBIN Rouge Bourgogne

According to the 趣味の文具箱 sample, it should be a deep but ruby like color, but in fact it displaies a light pink mixed with rare violet. This kind of fresh and vivid expression would rather be Les Vins du Beaujolais than Bourgogne. But ROUGE, INDEED !


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J.HERBIN Vert Olive

so sweet and lovely, and looks so dilicious~ what can I say~


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