千金難買早知道,本來只是友人阿特落波斯小姐寄了個連結叫我看看Lamy Safari 2013 新色,結果卻看到Lamy Turquoise Ink新色驚為天人,往小品雅集探訪後,確定有貨,轉而順便看看帶點啥玩意過年玩玩,結果就...
Even a man of wealth cannot but a well-prediction. At first, a friend Atrops sended a link about the Lamy Safari 2013 new colour, but my eye falled on the reference link Lamy Turquoise Ink, it's so so charming, so I decided to purchase a bottle of ink, YES! JUST A bottle of ink~~but you know~ there are too many interfere on the bid website, so this is what happened~~