原本只是勸敗某人買白金的Plasir,卻變成想要一支象牙白的鋼筆,其實我之前已經有sailor professional gear 14k slim size,手感其實我比較喜歡PG 14k,一樣的筆尖形狀與字幅,但是profit的勁道就是比較弱一些,PG手感比較直覺。

The original motive was encouaging somenoe to buy Platium Plasir, finally, I bought a ivory colored fountain pen. In fact, I have owned the sailor professional gear 14k slim size, and I prefer the hand-writing feedback of PG 14k. Both of them have the same nib except the colour, but I prefer the intuitive feedback of PG. Pfofit 14k is not so direct in power trasmission.



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